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Environmental and Planning Law: Case Law


Recent Unreported Judgments

Access recent unreported judgments on environmental and planning law from the library's online catalogue.

Environmental law judgments

Planning judgments

Planning + judicial review

An Bord Pleanála judgments

Environmental impact assessment

Habitats Directive


An Bord Pleanála Decisions

Environmental Information

Courts Service

Court of Justice of the European Union

Climate Cases

Climate Case Ireland

Friends of the Irish Environment v Government of Ireland and ors

Supreme Court, 31 July 2020, [2020] IESC 49; [2020] 2 ILRM 233

EU Habitats Directive - Special Areas of Conservation

European Commission v Ireland

Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 29 June 2023

Urgenda Climate Case

Urgenda Foundation v. State of the Netherlands

Supreme Court of the Netherlands, 20 December 2019


Access to Reported Cases

Members can access reported cases from the Irish Reports, the Irish Law Reports Monthly and many more by contacting the library. 


Trainees can access legal databases via their Citrix desktop where there are icons available for Westlaw IE, Westlaw UK and Lexis. 

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